When craftsmanship and passion come together

The journey continues to our atelier in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is the city where the Sparkling Jewels gemstones are being transformed from raw materials to beautiful gemstones. One of our master grinders is Xu Changwang. He knows everything about gems. Let's find out what he has to say!

Xu:"I have been here for 13 years and go to work with a smile everyday. You know, working with gemstones is amazing. Each day you find new treasures. In the beginning when I just started here, my daily routine consist of lugging and chopping huge rocks".

"After a year I wanted to do something else. I told my employer that I was looking for a challenge. He suggested to attempt polishing courses and after six months of hard work, I obtained my certificates. He believed in my capabilities and was impressed. The grinding and polishing of stones went better and better, and now I even give courses to new employee's". Real beauty depends on how you look at things - Xu busy with picking the right gemstone materials.

Xu is one of our specialists and responsible for the selecting proces. "Gemstones are diverse in their beauty and many gems are available in a stunning variety of colours. Most gemstones have little beauty in the rough state. They may look like ordinary rocks or pebbles but after  skilled cutting and polishing of a gem, the full color and luster can be seen. My favourite gemstone of all times is the beautiful Smokey Quartz".
Xu - measuring the Rose Quartz material.

The world of gemstones is a unique one, unlike other resources which are consumed within weeks or months of harvest or extraction, gemstones are still found in the trade centuries after they are mined due to their resistant properties and long-lasting value. From Grey Agate to Rose Quartz, we definitely offer your favourite gem! Xu grinding a new Rose Quartz gemstone.

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